The YSMENA team Presents,"YSMENA Survey: Barriers to HIV/STI Testing and HIV Risk Assessment in a Large Sample of Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Middle Eastern and North African Youth in Ontario and British Columbia"
CAHR 2024
Canadian Association for
HIV Research
The YSMENA team Presents, "Centering Diaspora Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) Youth in Ontario and British Columbia: Findings from The YSMENA Canadian HIV Survey"
The YSMENA team Presents,"Being Seen and heard : Transgender Diaspora Middle Eastern and North African Youth in Ontario Share Experiences with Stigma and Challenges in Access to Health and HIV Prevention Services"
CAHR 2023
Canadian Association for
HIV Research
The YSMENA team Presents, "Female-Identifying Diaspora Middle Eastern and North African Women in Ontario on the Intersections of Gender, Sexuality and Sexual Health"
CAHR 2021
Canadian Association for
HIV Research
The YSMENA team presents "Examining Epidemiological HIV Risk factors and Underlying Risk Context for Youth from the Middle East and North Africa within a Canadian Context (YSMENA Study): A Scoping Review of the Literature"
The theme of CAHR 2021 was “Maintaining Our Focus”